The only 28-day Abs Workout Plan that Actually Works
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So when we are talking about a six-pack, we usually have two things on our mind: gaining muscle in the abdominal area and losing fat – in that same area. And both have a lot in common with what and how much we eat.
You know the quote “Abs are made in the kitchen”?
But before you start beating yourself up because your abs are too flat or too tiny, know that bloated, freak-like looking abs are often a result of the usage of banned, performance enhancing drugs. Also, keep in mind most highly-liked social media images of the abs are taken in action: when muscles are being activated (during certain exercises).
Relaxed abdominals do not have a look of a hard, solid six-pack.
How would an abs workout plan look like?
Besides a perfectly dialled in nutrition, it would include a lot of complex exercises which would boost our metabolism and help us burn some fat. You can’t really target where your body will lose fat tissue first, that has a lot to do with your genetics, but you can speed up the process a bit by giving our abs workout plan a try. We will not force you do sit-ups and crunches only; we will focus on the body as a whole.
Losing belly fat: clean up your diet first
Under- or overweight, your diet should be planned around eating just the right amount of calories based on your body type and current needs (age, physical activity, work). If you need to build muscle, ramp up the energy intake. If you want to lose fat, decrease the calories so you create a calorie deficit. Simple as that.
In both cases, make sure your nutrition allows your body to recover and refuel on daily basis.
Add complex barbell exercises into your abs workout plan
Long gone are the days of daily sit-ups and crunches. Abs workout plan should include complex barbells exercises such as squats, deadlifts, good mornings and other. Sit-ups and other isolation exercises are only the cherry on top: to fully exhaust the rectus abdominis after the muscle-building work has been done.
28 days to strong and solid six-pack
Start with lighter weights and later try to increase them each week.
Day 1
Back squat, 3×10, increase weight each set
Deadlift, 3×8-10, increase weight each set
Medicine ball side throws, 4×10 each side
Plank hold, 3×60 sec
V-ups with a medicine ball, 10×10
Day 3:
Front squat 5×5, same weight
Bent over row, 3×8
For time:
Knee to elbows
push ups
Day 4: rest
Day 5:
Back squat, 3×10, increase weight each set
Good morning, 3×8
Shoulder press, 4×8, increase weight each set
Superset of:
Strict toes to bar, 4×10
Front raise (with a bumper plate), 4×10
Day 6:
Light, longer distance (endurance) activity: 3 hours of walking.
Day 7:
Core stability training:
– everything for: 3 sets of 40 seconds work.
Leg raises (on the side)
Half bridge and side abductions
Side plank
Day 8
Back squat, 3×10, increase weight each set
Deadlift, 3×8-10, increase weight each set
Plank hold, 3×60 sec
Sit ups with a dumbbell (placed on chest), 3×20
Superman, 50 reps
Day 10:
Front squat, 5×5, same weight
Pull ups, 3x max
For time:
V-ups with a 9 kg medicine ball
10 – 8 – 6
Tire flips
Day 11: rest
Day 12:
Back squat, 3×10, increase weight each set
Good morning, 3×8
Shoulder press, 4×8
Superset of:
Strict knee to elbows, 4×10
Front raise (with a bumper plate), 4×10
Day 13:
Go outside and do light, longer distance endurance activity: 3 hours of walking.
Day 14:
Core stability training:
everything for: 3 sets of 40 seconds work.
Leg raises (on the side)
Half bridge and side abductions
Side plank
Day 15
Back squat, 3×10, increase weight each set
Deadlift, 3×8-10, increase weight each set
L-sit hang hold, 5×30 sec
Medicine ball side throws, 3×10 each side
For time:
strict pull ups
push ups
Day 16: walk/light jog for 60 minutes.
Day 17:
Front squat, 10×3, same weight
Pull ups, 3x max
AMRAP for 15 min:
20 Russian twists with a kettlebell
10 kettlebell swings
20 sit-ups with a barbell in the overhead position
30 double-unders
Day 18: rest
Day 19:
Back squat, 3×10, increase weight each set
Good morning, 3×8
Shoulder press, 4×8
Superset of:
Strict knee to elbows, 4×12
Handstand hold, 4×60 seconds
Day 20:
Go outside and do light, longer distance (endurance) activity: 3 hours of walking.
Day 21:
Core stability training:
Everything for: 3 sets of 40 seconds work.
Leg raises (on the side)
Half bridge and side abductions
Side plank
Day 22:
Back squat, 3×10, increase weight each set
Deadlift, 3×8-10, increase weight each set
Side plank hold, 3×60 sec
EMOM for 10 minutes:
Strict toes to bars, 6-8 reps
Day 23: walk/light jog for 60 minutes.
Day 24:
Front squat 10×3, same weight
Pull ups 3x max
AMRAP for 15 min:
30 Russian twists with a kettlebell
20 kettlebell swings
10 push ups
Day 25: rest
Day 26:
Back squat, 3×10, increase weight each set
Seated good morning, 3×8
Kettlebell shoulder press, each arm separately, 4×8
3-set of:
Strict knee to elbows, 4×10
V-ups, 4×20
Double-unders, 4×20
Day 27:
Go outside and do light, longer distance (endurance) activity: 3 hours of walking.
Day 28:
Core stability training:
everything for: 3 sets of 40 seconds work.
Leg raises (on the side)
Half bridge and side abductions
Side plank
Having a visible six-pack is not enough. If you know something about training and sport, you know that six-pack also needs to function well: together with our other core muscles, abs are part of the support system which keeps our spine, and our whole body, stable. Visible abs look good on Instagram while strong and stable core improves our performance, and our longevity.
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