
Polona Fonda Polona has been working in sports media for almost a decade. She is a former editor of the biggest European online magazine on functional fitness with expertise in graphic and interactive communication. Business aside, Polona is also a former competitive alpine skier with a passion for weightlifting, crossfit and outdoor sports.

The only 28-day Abs Workout Plan that Actually Works

28-day abs workout plan

What we know as a six-pack is actually a muscle called rectus abdominis which reveals its shape after we cut (belly) fat to the lowest percentages possible. It’s also a long, flat muscle that extends along the front of the abdomen and takes part in the group of stabilisers known as the core (of the […]

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Your Guide to Starting Crossfit: 8 best Workouts for Beginners

Crossfit para principiantes mejores WODS

If you are new to crossfit, you are probably wondering; first, what is Froning doing, and second, how to actually get into the world of WODs, intensity, discomfort and elite functional fitness.To be honest, it’s pretty simple. Google “crossfit wod” and hope for something easy. Challenging workouts and high intensity are what crossfit is best […]

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