Quick TIps For Open WOD 17.4
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Congratulations, we all guessed correctly. Your only goal for 17.4, is to beat your score from 16.4. If you did it last year and survived, then you can do it again, but harder. Let’s take a look at 17.4 and break down a few strategies for making the most of it.
CrossFit Open WOD 174 is:
AMRAP 13 minutes:
- 55 Deadlift 225 lbs. / 155 lbs.
- 55 Wall-ball shots 10 ft. / 9 ft.
- 55 Calorie Row
- 55 Handstand Push-ups
Be Smart With The Deadlift
Unless you’re an elite athlete, you’re going to break those deadlift a few times. It’s not a super heavy deadlift, but it’s heavy enough to give you trouble if you hold on for too long. Perform smaller sets (5-10) and take shorter breaks, rather than trying to blow through them and forcing yourself into longer rest periods.
Everyone wants to get to the HSPU on this one, and the deadlift and wall-balls are there to slow you down. Be smart with them, and concentrate on getting them out of the way.
Go For it on The Wall-Balls
Here’s where you could lose some time if you’re not moving. They’re going to suck, but you’ve only got to do them once (potentially). You’re sitting down and pulling after this, so move your ass on the wall-balls.
Try and tackle bigger sets, maybe 20 and then some 15s and 5s. Get them out of the way.
Find a Fast Pace on the Rower
The 13-minute time cap is short, and it’ll get eaten up once you’re on the rower. Take long pulls, all the way in, all the way back out; don’t shortchange yourself, especially not with calories.
Best advice: Pull long and hard so that you’re giving yourself the best possible chance of hitting a calorie with every pull.
Go Hard on the HSPU
There probably won’t be much time left by now, and while small sets will likely be mandatory by this point, just go. Go hard.
Remember that the standard for the HSPU in the Open is challenging, so don’t waste any reps by being lazy with your feet. Get them up and over the line, and use a big kip on every rep.
Good luck, and beat that score from 16.4!
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