
Tips from the Pro Crossfitters for Opens 2017


Tips from the Pro Crossfitters for Opens 2016

We are already well into the 2017 Crossfit Open and who better to offer us advice about our performance than athletes that made it into the previous Regional and Games. We have the tremendous honor of collaborating with great national and international crossfitters.

Their advice ranges from close to home to a world away, such as; Samuel Gallego from Málaga and Janine Enslin Pennia from Pretoria, South Africa. 

Every participant of the Open comes with their own goals sharing one common goal; be the best you every day during every WOD.

Tips from the Pro Crossfitters for 2017 Opens

SEE ALSO: Ones To Watch: 2017 CrossFit Open

We have asked for two pieces of advice from each athlete and as you can see, many of them echo each other. 

Mikko Aronpää 

Una foto publicada por Mikko Aronpää (@mikko_aronpaa) el

1) If possible, do the workout with someone who pushes you for a good performance. Treat it like an actual competition.

2) Find the right mindset. Make sure you are ready to hit the workout with 100% intensity giving your absolute best performance.

Mitchell Adams

Always give it your best, 100%. Remember that every rep counts in the Open, so even if there’s a second left, take it.

Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. You can’t control what they’re doing, so focus on your game, and nothing else.


Alexandre Jolivet (Másters 35-39)

As a Masters athlete, your competition is no less important. Treat these workouts with the same intensity as any Open workout you might have done before.

You’re in competition now, so give it your all. Don’t compromise on anything, and don’t worry about what might be coming later on.

1) Perform each WOD of the open stress free, do not confuse speed with precipitation. Take your time and trust in your training. 

2) Give the best each week to achieve the best performance.

Roberto Molina

Treat every Open workout as though it was the final event at the Games. Give it everything you’ve got, and you’ll reap the rewards later.

Even if you’re not trying to get to Regionals or the Games, if you’re signed up, you’re in it to win, so go hard..

Alec Harwood

Give 100% and don’t stop until you’re done. If you’ve given everything you’ve got to the workout, that’s what matters.

❤️ accessory work. Incline bench and prowler sprints. #abovefailure #niketraining #training #crossfit #staystrong #stayfast #wingman

Una publicación compartida de Alec Harwood (@harwoodalec) el

Make sure that your nutrition and sleep are up to scratch before the Open, so that you give yourself the best chance of success.

SEE ALSO: Velites Pros. Alexandre Jolivet gives us his take on the Open this year 

Janine Enslin Penniall

All of us handle competition in a unique way, most of us do the open for different reasons. Not everybody in the open is necessarily aiming for Regionals this year. My tips for the 2017 CrossFit Opens are:

1) Keep an open mind (Pun intended) as we well know, anything can happen…
I personally did not go into the open with my eyes on Regionals. It was always in the back of my head, (You have to be strategic too, I recognize that) but my main focus was on doing better than I ever have, for MYSELF.

If I felt like I was able to go harder right after an Open workout, I’d do it again.

I have to say: “I couldn’t have done better than that for where I am now” after I’m done.  – If I can say that, I am happy, regardless of the outcome. 
2) Of course, Enjoy it!
You are surrounded by like-minded people with this “thing” we love. You are in a familiar environment… Embrace that opportunity and “Make every second count”!

Emma McQuaid

Una foto publicada por Emma Mcquaid (@mcquaid175) el


1) Don’t change your program. Get your coach to schedule the open workout on a day that suits you. You want to keep normal routine and just attack the workout hard when it comes up.

I don’t change anything; diet, supplements, kit, clothes, shoes etc. all stay exactly the same. For me it’s just another workout in the week. I’ll continue with my program as soon as it’s done, even training straight after and in the evening again.
2) Don’t get involved with the leaderboard. I do my best and leave it there. My coach and I will analyze the workout, but we don’t check the leaderboard until Monday afternoon. If I need to do it again, I will, but normally one time is enough.

Getting obsessed with other people scores only drives up stress levels, ruins recovery and effects my training too much. It’s 5 weeks long, and it’s about consistency, not winning every WOD and getting obsessed with winning 1st or 2nd place.

Jessica Vetter

Try not to compare yourself with others because firstable everyone will do it for you. 🙂
Do your best on each rep, each second and make yourself proud.

Start to repeat the day you will pass it in your head, like a routine, what do you eat, what do you do, what do you wear, what is your warm up bra bla bla bla….
My second advice is try to enjoy the pain and get a huge chocolate muffin after it to celebrate your Fitness.
And yes you can cry 😉

Klaus Uggerhøj

Una foto publicada por klausuggerhoj (@klausuggerhoj) el


1) Many people get nervous when doing the open, including myself. Therefore, after a good warm-up, I recommend making sure you calm yourself and get your heart rate down before hitting the Open WOD. This can prevent your heart rate from spiking too early. 
2) Tactics are clearly important in all of the Open WODs. However, it can be hard to figure out the best tactics for one self. If you are taking more than one try at an Open WOD, I recommend not overthinking the first try – just try it out and see how it goes. Then you learn what to do and what not to do when hitting the WOD for another try.

Jamie Headon

Strong team #150 @adroitfit @andyewi taking over the @thealphagames Team @velitessport #build #light @cemilkomurcuphotography

Una publicación compartida de Jamie Headon (@jamie_h77) el

You should never give up on a workout because it’s hard or because you’re tired, but that’s especially true in the Open. It will be over soon, so suck it up and keep going.

If you don’t do as well as you’d hoped, figure out where you went wrong, recover, and do it again. Simple as that.

Jonas Müller

1) Watch the live stream more than once and try to analyze the pacing and approach of the top athletes.
Then try to prepare a game plan that is individualized on your ability. It doesn’t make sense if you try to go the same pace as Froning did. Find out how you should structure your sets of toes-to-bar, boxjumps or snatches, then go to the gym and crush it!

2) Don’t put yourself under too much pressure. I did that two years ago and it neither paid off nor worked out well. Set yourself a reasonable goal on each workout and readjust your scoring goal after each week. Enjoy the Open, these are the 5 weeks we all worked hard for throughout the whole year. Kill it!

Stephane Ossanga

Stay focused. Take each workout, and each part of the workout as it comes. Don’t worry about what’s coming next, focus only on what you can control.

Don’t overthink it. When you try to control what’s coming, you lose a grip on what’s happening at that moment. Do your best in the moment, and take each new thing as it comes.

Samuel Gallego

Una foto publicada por Samuel Gallego (@samuelgallego_cf) el

It is fundamental to charge up your energy and excitement during the CrossFit Open. Keep motivation high with every video, song, and image that drives you in order to give it your all at each event.  Once achieved, the following is vital…
1)  Analyze each event with a sound mind to help find the ideal strategy for you as an athlete. Every athlete possesses strengths and weaknesses.  Recognizing yours allows you to perform and develop accordingly in order to get the best results from this workout.
2)  Film your WOD in a comfortable environment during a time of the day that you feel your best. Surround yourself with friends and colleagues that know how to motivate and encourage you during every rep. Most importantly, enjoy what you do. Don’t ever view a workout negatively but rather as a new challenge; take every result as a lesson and continue fighting because this is all just getting started. 

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Mikel Arkauz

Written by Mikel Arkauz

Musician as a profession, CCO of Velites Sport as vocation.


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