Article Selection for CrossFit Training
If you have already started with your training and with your CrossFit exercises, you’ve already overcome the first part; you are not a beginner who doesn’t know much about this sport anymore. If you are here, it is because you are starting to ask for more, you want tougher workouts, you have already mastered double unders or you want to raise the bar.
We love hearing that here at Velites, because it means that our favorite sport is your favorite as well. If you are looking for more workout information, it’s because you want to go one step further. Same as with the Product selection for CrossFit beginners page or the Product selection for CrossFit motivation one, we’ve prepared this page with a selection of the best articles we’ve published on the blog about CrossFit workouts, fitness, jump ropes and much more.
We are sure you will love them. You will be able to download PDF infographics so you can print your workouts and have them always on hand.
On this workouts part we’ve also included an article about Preparing Spartan Races, which are obstacle course races that go a step further. If you don’t know what those are, I recommend you the post that talks about them. It will definitely motivate you to try them.
This is the article selection we’ve prepared so you can do a quality leap forward on your training and your physical condition… they are pretty tough, though. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.
- The 7 beastiest CrossFit workouts of 2016
- 8 Full Body Fitness Workouts to Build muscle and burn Fat
- 12 Days of Christmas WODs (You Can Do at Home)
- 5 Ways To Measure Your Progress in Workouts
- 10 functional workouts for skipping rope + PDF infographic
- Definitive Guide to mobility and strength in your Ankles and Feet
- 30 day double under challenge + PDF infographic
- 3 WODs with double unders to go to the next level + PDF infographic